Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our little house and our rapidly growing puppy!

Well it took me long enough, but FINALLY here are some pictures of our little house! I am ashamed of the messy pictures but hey! Look at the progress!

Our Cute front door!

Our living room,..
Before, Wow!

And... AFTER!

The kitchen... Forgot to take a before! It was the first room done! But here is the after

The Bathroom Before...

And After

The Extra Room Before...

And After

And our Bedroom Before

And After

And now for our sweet little Tater!

Her many MANY sleeping positions!

Of the Edge

In a ball

With her favorite toy!

Belly Up!

Tater and Daddy!

Look at how big she's gotten!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pictures for Grandma!!

Our Cute little Tater Tot, who i finally feeling better after a scary encounter with Parvo! The lamp she is with is about 10 inches long and 5 inches tall, LOOK HOW ITTY BITTY SHE IS!

She's also a Mama's girl! whenever i walk out of the room she sits by the gate and waits for me!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A family Affair!! And a new puppy too :)

So much has been going on the last little while!!! My Mom, Grandma and the kids came down to visit me! We had so so so muh fun! I was so heartbroken when they left, my loving husband surprised me by letting me choose a new puppy! It's been a great week!

All Crammed in!

Emma Sue

Yes. They are doing exactly what you think they are.

Nice glasses Jamahl!!

There's Jayden! Hey Jayd? Did you hear that Beep, Beep, Beep?

With the INTENSE heat we found that Carl Jr's playplace was the PERFECT play place!

Emma and Leilani


The pose of the hour

My random friend!

And our newest edition!!! Tater Tot! She is soooo sweet! she just pretty much does... well this...